Earlier this evening, the sky turned gray instantly and rained sheets like I'd never seen before. Needless to say, it was accompanied by thunder and ligthening that rattled the house and scared the shit out of the dogs. Both Brandi and Lewis were visably scared as they started to follow us around the house. Usually Brandi sits in her kennel and sleeps through the storms, but the thunder was booming so loud that it seriously shook the house. Stiil, Brandi was calm throughout most of it. She's usually calmer than Lewis and usually doesn't bark too much when the thunder booms. Lewis, however, was totally freaked out by the storm. So freaked that he followed my Mom outside as she ran to roll up her car windows that she had left down. However, instead of jumping into the car or back into the house to make things easier, the dog ran his little ass out in the rain and acted a damn fool! Not only was he barking his ass off, but he was getting soaked! This, just three days after he got a bath!
After I ran outside and carried him in, we sat down and continued eating dinner as the thunder boomed every now and then. Lewis had ceased barking as he tentativly watched the from below the table for any scraps we should drop him. He didn't get any though.

At least, not until we started munching on the cookies my sister and I had made for the family.

Once Lewis realized we were eating cookies, and, partially due in part to my Mom's teasing him, he jumped up by the table and tried to grab the plate!

In fact, his eyes remained fixated on the plate long after we moved it. He, however, did not move from his vantage point with a direct shot of the cookies.

Apparently, he thought he was going to get one. I know I wasn't planning on giving him anything, especially after he ran out of the house and acted like a damn fool!

Lewis, however, thought otherwise. He started barking for a cookie, moving between my Mom's chair and mine, pleading for one of us to give him a cookie.

My Mom eventually obliged him because he instantly quit barking when she picked up the cookie.

After that, he was quiet and calm. It's amazing what a cookie will do.

LOL! That's funny! I agree! HAHAH! :D Lewis is such a dork!
LOL You and your dog...too bad you abuse him all the time (a la our web conversation!) :O LOL jk! He's cute.
Sophie's cuter. XD
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