This image directly linked to it's creator, roy204, at deviantart.com
I've been feeling incredibly impulsive lately; if not in action, then in mind. I've had the urge to just get in my car, fill up the tank and drive to nowhere in particular. To get away? To escape? I don't know.
I just feel like I don't want to be here right now. It's similar to what I felt at the beginning of the year when I didn't want to be here next year, but it's more compact. It's like I just want to drop everything as it is right now and run free without anything else on my mind.
I'm not sure what is or why I feel this way right now. It just hit me, like a strange calling. I know, rationally, now would not be a good time to be so impulsive. I have papers to write, places to be, things to do. The usual ties of a college student. But, perhaps, it is because I have these ties that I want to cut them and just do something so completely not me? Perhaps.
Ha! Sorry to hear that.
Yeah, maybe that's the case. I don't know for sure though. I get it at random times during the year. I think it's my ancestral gypsy gene. I guess that's the thing I get from my Czech relatives? (Not that they are gypsies, but some of them could have been.)
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