With a year left of my undergraduate, I've been evaluating numerous options post-graduation. I'm not entirely sure what I want to do. Of course, I want to go to grad school and eventually get my doctorates, but is there something I want to do before that?
A part of me thinks that I should continue right on to my graduate studies, neither taking a break nor stop for anything. Yet, the other part of me feels I should go and do something greater, something beyond myself. It is truly an aberration to me. I've been researching numerous outlets and I've been thumbing over potentially joining the peace corps or teaching English in a foreign country. I could, of course, work, but that doesn't seem as enlightening or fun. At least, not right out of college. I know that that's not me, not yet. Don't think I'm slacking, though. I just don't want to be confined to a 9 to 5 when I still have so much life to live. Besides, I know I'm a damn good worker, so I'm not worried about working wherever I end up at in the future.
The time between now and full time work, however, is time that I want to take hold of and do something amazing. Whether that's teaching in a foreign country and experiencing a new culture, new life experiences, and growing still ever more or helping people in a new locality and fostering lifelong connections and memories remains to be seen. Still, it is time that I have to use and play with as I see fit. There is nothing, except maybe some financial stipulations, holding me back from using that time to do that "something amazing."
In the meantime, I need to figure out what it is that I want to do and where I want to go. Perhaps Dr. Seuss summed it up best: "You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go." Indeed, "Oh, the Places You'll Go!"