Holy shit! Get this, the president of GBP wants me to make a list of the near 300 members and their e-mails so he can e-mail everyone and get a summer thing set up for them. Now, while I commend his effort, I have to say that I'm a little pissed that he wants me to file through those damn cards and put down all of this information. I suppose, though, it is my job to do so. Still, the fact that I have to do it because no one has compiled a list of members before is BULLSHIT! Honestly, who the heck was running GBP before? Did they not know how to organize a list of the members, e-mail them, plan volunteering activities. I know the last part, volunteering, can be hard to get people to do;however, organizing a list of members' names and their e-mails. That's something anyone can do unless they're STUPID.
With that said, I've come to the following conclusions:
- GBP was originally run by morons on my campus
- Apparently none of the members currently on the "high council" (and I don't mean HIGH ;) ) have ever tried to manage a large group of people before
- The officer's ideas for the webpage are antiquated and weak and, quite frankly, not plausible
- I'm tired of dealing with the officers (and I am one)
- I don't want to deal with GBP next year if I have to keep up with this.
I guess what's worse off, so to speak, is that the president wants everyone to have an account like gbpprez@..., gbpveep@..., gbpsect@..., gbpweb@..., and so on. The thing is, I was originally going to get a google g-mail account for the GBP president, but now, I think he thinks I can just get all of the accounts for him for free. Grrgh! Does no one read my e-mails??? I swear to God, no one reads them!
[/end rant]
The pictures will be up eventually, as in, when I don't have to deal with GBP.
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