Friday, July 09, 2004

Everything seems to be flying by so fast right now. Day in, day out. I feel like all I do is wake up, work, and go back to bed. It's strange too. I'm balancing debate and work, but lately they're starting to run together. Except, of course, the times at which I decide to work them :P

Needless-to-say, I'm working hard at both ends. I'm trying to make my work at OU worthwhile, but part of me feels like I'm not doing anything worthwhile there. Then, I'm working my ass of for debate this year because I know I will WIN this year and not be a fuck up like last year. Between the two, I'm being pulled. It's not a bad thing, but I can't help to think that it's not a good thing either. When I think about all the other stuff I need to do, like that damned Gamma Beta Phi webpage (what the heck was I thinking?), I begin to wonder if I'll have enough time. With only 23 days left until the beginning of August and 73 days left until the first tournament, I've found myself repeating this question in my head over and over again: Do I have enough time?

As of late it's been getting to me. It didn't bother me before because I felt I had all the time to do everything, but I've started to feel differently now. I've had my break from all of it, but I guess I haven't really felt assured that everything is going to get done. I know I'll get these speeches done (at least the three I have planned), and work will be work until it's done, but what about those other "small things" that creep out from the shadows where I forgot them?

Perhaps I should just live in the now and not worry about those things, not yet. I still have time, right?


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