I finally got an e-mail from Marty. Things seem to be going well again. I'll just have to play by ear until I return, I guess.
Now, I must deposit my monies...
I finally got an e-mail from Marty. Things seem to be going well again. I'll just have to play by ear until I return, I guess.
Now, I must deposit my monies...
Well, my inform is well underway now. Hopefully this topic will prove to be worth my time and effort. I doubt anyone else will have it, but then again, someone on my team had my topic last semester at the fault of Marty. Not that it really mattered last semester. After all, that speech sucked. The topic was good, but the speech I wrote was horrible.
Still, I'm starting to wonder if I should've e-mailed Marty about my topic again. I know I should e-mail him to keep him up to date, but lately his lack of response has been annoying me. It reminds me of last semester when I e-mailed him my speech topics and later my speeches and asked him to read through and edit them as he saw fit and he never said or did anything about them.
It wouldn't annoy me so much except that during my exit meeting at the end of last semester he told me to e-mail him and the other coaches to keep them updated because I'm so far away and that "they'd respond."
Aside from Erin, no one has responded. I must note that Lacey has, but she's not a coach. (I'm thankful for both of them, though) ;)
Which is starting to make me question Marty's little speech about "each member is only as good as the rest of the team." If that were the case, wouldn't the coaching staff be more willing to help and respond to the students? I'm not sure. I'm not certain, but it's almost like I have to prove myself before he'll even respond to my e-mails. It's starting to remind me of high school debate with Mrs. Hooley. Ugh. I can't bother but think about how annoying her class was every time I see her, hear her name, or think about her. She only liked students after they won their first trophy, students the rest of us aptly named "Trophy Bitches." I'm starting to wonder if Marty follows the same policy...
*SIGH* Maybe I shouldn't bog myself down so much by thinking about this extraneous stuff. However, I can't help but think that this isn't extraneous. It means something to me. Yet, at the same time, it's been taking its toll on me too. Lately I've been thinking about that stupid tournament in Seattle. It was just a tournament, but it keeps coming back into my mind. I've been having this recurring dream about it too. It's similar to the same one I had weeks after that tournament, but it is set in the present when I return to Idaho. It's the same feeling, words, situation, everything. In my dream I feel hopeless with ferocity to prove, but as the dreams reoccur, the ferocity seems to fade. It's strange too, it's almost like my body's being taken over by something else. I honestly don't know. It is just a dream, but it is weird that it's been coming back as of last week and hasn't gone away.
I don't know.
I guess I should continue what I'm doing and see what happens when I get back. Continuously reminding myself the reason I'm still doing this...
Post Script: On the upside, I finally got paid!! A nice big check for $810, with 64 dollars cut for taxes (I needed that extra money too, Bastards!). Will be depositing it shortly and going about the business I planned to do a while ago.
Only, I want the CHECK WITH MY MONEY!
So, OU decided to send me the check with my money instead of direct deposit. Why? I don't know. Personally it really pisses me off that they made me fill out a direct deposit slip and give them a voided check only to have them do the opposite by sending me checks that I have to cash. Normally I wouldn't complain. Money is money, after all. However, since I'm only here for three more weeks, it angers me because I'm probably going to miss getting my last two pay checks since I'll be back in the states.
Why is that a problem? Well, I don't have an account with a bank in the state of Idaho. All of my banking is done out of state. Usually this isn't a problem, except when I have to cash checks. Since the checks are usually sent to my "permanent address" here in Germany, my Dad has to send them to me at college for me to sign them. Then, I have to send them back to him so he can then take them to the bank where they will be cashed. Needless to say, I won't be getting about a fifth of my money until September. Thanks for helping me out OU! Really, I couldn't be happier.
On that note, it is my last week of work with OU. Not out of anger for not getting paid yet, but rather, for break, my trip to Dayton, and then back to college. A grand total of eight weeks of work with OU. It's been fun, even though they've taken forever to pay me. I now have a new found respect for college administrations in general, especially the people that have to work with ignorant, retarded, asshole students. I know I'm not in that league, save maybe naive about certain aspects of student financials and housing placement. Though, I do have to note that some college administrations can be evil as well. I attribute this to stress though. It's not for lack of trying, they do enough helping the students who don't seem to get it. At least now I can say I've seen the from both sides, and now, hopefully, know how to tread it properly.
Woo! Yes, I'm almost on my way there. Aren't you excited? I know I am.
Here are the important dates [ times are e-mailed ;) ]:
Wow! Tonight was interesting. I'm not going to divulge much, but let's just say that my brother and I are at ends right now.
I can't wait to leave. This house is driving me crazy and I just want to be somewhere away from Brandon.
While reading the news online recently, I noticed that some of the usual online ads I inevitably subscribe to were different. Sure, there were still the annoying ones talking about delivery services, flowers, and food, but while looking at an article on the new Iran/9-11 links being discussed in the news, I found this ad for John Kerry and John Edwards.
While I applaud their business-like approach similar to that of Senator Dean during the nomination process, I've come to the conclusion that I'd prefer not to be bombarded by ads about funding an already million-billion dollar institute that seems to have the media on its side. With the release of Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" and the mass press coverage on the Abu Ghrabi prison abuse scandal, 9-11 Commission Documents, and numerous Hollywood stars proclaiming "get rid of Bush," I can't help but think that the press, at least the vast majority of it, is in it for Kerry and Edwards.
But before I go on, I must clarify and concede to a few things: First, I acknowledge there are certain media outlets that are entirely pro-republican (i.e. Rush Limbaugh's EIB network, etc.). Second, I concede that Bush isn't the best president we've had given light of information pre-9/11. Finally, I note that there are certain celebrities that are for Bush.
With that said, I've recently come to the conclusion that I don't like the media coverage and bias over the past months. Granted, every media source has a bias, inevitably, but some don't display it as blatantly as others. Recently, it seems to me, we've been exposed to everything in terms of "how the media feels about the issues" and not the whole picture. It's like there's some sort of distorting between what the whole picture is and what is being presented to masses. Obviously I don't think it's fair. I thought the basis of journalism was to show the whole picture as clarified as possible, but obviously not.
Perhaps, though, the media isn't entirely to blame. From what I've seen in Europe and read in the papers and online, I think part of it has to do with how the rest of the world feels about Bush as well. Almost everywhere you go in Germany, for example, you can find numerous anti-Bush posters. The same sentiment is reflected across Europe in other countries. When my brother went down to Greece he noted that numerous Greeks, once they found out he was American, talked to him about how much they "hated Bush and were hoping for Kerry to win." They also talked about Olympic security and how it will be "stronger than any other nation's". I guess we'll see about that. Moreover, it is believed that many countries are withholding diplomatic/democratic action until after November, just to see what happens (Read more here: Europe's Big Bet on a Bush 'Regime Change'
Given that, though, I suppose it's no surprise American media is reflecting world opinion--even though it's still at a bias too.
I guess what I'm most concerned with is not so much who wins the election, but rather, the means at which they got there. It just seems like a lot of mud slinging to me and I don't like the dirt that's become politics of America.
Post Script: On face value, literally, Kerry looks very old. LOL! (Just joshing you Lacey!) ;)
After three hours of editing the unfilled contact list of the GBP president account, I'm seriously considering quitting the organization. I've never seen such an unorganized organization in all my life. I thought NHS in HS was bad, but this organization takes the cake on that one. Needless to say, I filed all the contacts I could under three options: Current Members, Graduates/Alumni, and Leadership. However, since the previous secretary/whoever didn't put in the year of graduation for the previous members, I can't tell where to file over half of our membership. So, I filed what I could, sent the requested list to the president of GBP. (I still think he doesn't know what he's doing.) Requested that both the president and the former secretary/president/whoever look at the list and verify where the certain members should be placed according to their status. That might be too hard for them to do though, we'll see.
Other than GBP, I haven't done much else except play SH on the PS2 all weekend. I believe I'm 2/3 of the way through the game, but I'm not sure. I'm not using a walktrhough, so I don't know like I usually do. Ha! XD I racked up 27 hour on it though. LOL! That's crazy, but good fun. I haven't had a good break like that in a while and now I'm more eager to get back to debate and finish my POI and Inform. I still think blogger would make an excellent inform if I could spin it on a media angle. Still, no feedback from the people it matters from though. Dare I keep fishing for a topic and drown? I guess I need to do that.
Well, back to PKIs, POI, and fishing. If you don't hear anything, then I've most certainly drowned. X_X
*Line taken from Kill Bill Vol. 1: "This is what you get for fucking around with the Yokusa!"
I just found a really good piece to replace "Hunter" for my POI, and Erin approves! Google and NPR are golden! Now, all I have to do is put it all together and I can get started on my favorite event: Informative Speech.
Yeah, we'll see how well that goes...
Post Script: Lacey, you'll be reading the finished product shortly ;)
Yesterday, for the first time since my vacation to Prague, I took a break from debate and reading and decided to play Shadow Hearts, SH. I bought the game off half.com and wasn't expecting to get it for another few weeks, but oddly enough, it arrived in the mail yesterday. Basically from the moment I got it to the moment I went to bed, I was playing the game. It's not that it was that addicting, I just think that it was because I haven't really allowed myself to have a break from debate, reading, and work since my vacation to Prague. I've been trying to keep with these "deadlines" that Marty issues, but since he doesn't e-mail me back about my ideas it's been a bit tedious and difficult to try and guess what he thinks about my work thus far.
Erin, the assistant coach, has helped me so far. She e-mailed me back and said she liked all my research, pieces, and motivational link, except she didn't like my prose piece "Hunter" because it's "stretching to reach [the] point." I guess she's right, it does sort of overstate the obvious message I'm trying to convey. Though, I still want to have it because some judges may be retarded and not understand what I'm trying to convey. (Yes, some judges are stupid. ::Thinks back to Seattle tournament when, during a debate round, a judge cited "liberalism" as her paradigm. Too which I should've replied: That's not a fucking paradigm, it's a bias in debate you stupid bitch!:: Yes, indeed.) However, if Erin doesn't think it fits well enough, I'll scrap it and find something else if I can. I was hoping to get it finished this weekend and get started on my informative speech, but that might not happen now. Heck, I'm not even sure what I'm doing in that department without some feedback from Marty. Maybe I should just ask Jeff? At least he responds to e-mails.
I don't know. I'm not really worried too much, I just wish I had the oil to get the cogs turning better. Playing SH yesterday allowed me to relax and not have to worry about debate for a day. I wasn't doing PKIs, focusing on my POI, or topic searching. I was just relaxing and enjoying myself. Shadow Hearts itself is intriguing: it's a basic RPG similar to Final Fantasy, throw in a fictional story about Japan after World War I, and a fighting style similar to Legend of Dragoon, but with a circle/wheel. The main male protagonist is Yuri, a non-human who can turn into spirits through a soul and he happens to be a bit psycho in the head. He's kewl though. The main female protagonist is Alice Elliot, an innocent, but naively powerful young woman who's the center of the story. Then there are some extra characters who I renamed: an Oracle who I named Akira, and a Russian Spy who I named Lacey. Original, huh? Anyway, for the gamer nerds that read my blog, I highly recommend this game. It's got a fairly original story and excellent gameplay. I love getting new souls/spirits and fighting the malice. The graphics aren't too bad either. ;)
I can't wait to go home and play it. I have to promise myself not to go too crazy on it tonight though. We're having my favorite salad, the 7-layer salad, for dinner tonight. Plus, I do need to get back to doing debate...even if I'm not sure where to go for another prose for my POI or what exactly I'm doing for my Inform, and if I'm even going to do a fourth speech. The joy that is debate. 5 more weeks, right?
SPECIAL NOTICE! The "Pictures" link is active!
However, it will require more work. 26 pictures from Prague are posted. I have many more pictures to post and will be posting more soon. You'll see notification on the blog when I have updated the pictures. Czech them out!
Holy shit! Get this, the president of GBP wants me to make a list of the near 300 members and their e-mails so he can e-mail everyone and get a summer thing set up for them. Now, while I commend his effort, I have to say that I'm a little pissed that he wants me to file through those damn cards and put down all of this information. I suppose, though, it is my job to do so. Still, the fact that I have to do it because no one has compiled a list of members before is BULLSHIT! Honestly, who the heck was running GBP before? Did they not know how to organize a list of the members, e-mail them, plan volunteering activities. I know the last part, volunteering, can be hard to get people to do;however, organizing a list of members' names and their e-mails. That's something anyone can do unless they're STUPID.
With that said, I've come to the following conclusions:
I'm working on the Prague pictures. I'm turning it into a webpage linked off of here since I can't turn it into a post because it starts to screw up. It will be up soon! I've just been busy masterdebating, e-mailing, awaiting e-mails, and working on other things like Lacey's anime drawings (and since I'm not as talented as Hans, it takes me a while to get the pictures looking good).
Guess what everybody? I got my first "crazies" on hotornot.com. HAHAH! Here's the two I got, check them out:
Crazy 1
Crazy 2
Wait until I bust out the emo profile! HAHAH! Then it will be funny to see the crazies I get! :P
Next time I post, hopefully, the Prague pictures will be up. ;)
Post-Script:: Added new links: "ties", I finally know how to tie a Windsor Double Knot! ; and "vgcats", great nerdcore/gamecore comic relief! ;o
In my hands right now, I'm currently hold the winning item from the auction I discussed last week. The original drawing of Azalea Alatus and a kewl free sketch of Zephie. Kewlness, huh? Lacey, I think you're going to want to steal this Zephie sketch! HAHAH! It's hella kewl! :D
Anyway, I just wanted to brag that I got them and they are amazing. XD I can't wait to frame them and put them in my room!
As an added not on the "winning" deal: when Marty e-mail me back I'll be able to move on with my speech stuff. Currently, I've hit a wall with my POI. I can finish it, but it needs approval. I also need to get this Inform moving, but I can't when I don't really have a topic. I have a feeling that Marty is going to say that I need to focus on something more scientific or technological in terms of health. The topics I submitted don't fit that. So, I'm not winning until he and Erin respond with something.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to admire my pictures and try and get Lacey's other picture finished :P
Everything seems to be flying by so fast right now. Day in, day out. I feel like all I do is wake up, work, and go back to bed. It's strange too. I'm balancing debate and work, but lately they're starting to run together. Except, of course, the times at which I decide to work them :P
Needless-to-say, I'm working hard at both ends. I'm trying to make my work at OU worthwhile, but part of me feels like I'm not doing anything worthwhile there. Then, I'm working my ass of for debate this year because I know I will WIN this year and not be a fuck up like last year. Between the two, I'm being pulled. It's not a bad thing, but I can't help to think that it's not a good thing either. When I think about all the other stuff I need to do, like that damned Gamma Beta Phi webpage (what the heck was I thinking?), I begin to wonder if I'll have enough time. With only 23 days left until the beginning of August and 73 days left until the first tournament, I've found myself repeating this question in my head over and over again: Do I have enough time?
As of late it's been getting to me. It didn't bother me before because I felt I had all the time to do everything, but I've started to feel differently now. I've had my break from all of it, but I guess I haven't really felt assured that everything is going to get done. I know I'll get these speeches done (at least the three I have planned), and work will be work until it's done, but what about those other "small things" that creep out from the shadows where I forgot them?
Perhaps I should just live in the now and not worry about those things, not yet. I still have time, right?
No clever name for now says:
hey, what's up?
Thister says:
Yo! Not much
Thister says:
Ready to go back to college soon?
No clever name for now says:
No clever name for now says:
sometime around yesterday.
Thister says:
Thister says:
I think we all are like that about now.
No clever name for now says:
yeah, and I've only been working for a few weeks. It's going to be a long 2 months
Thister says:
Thister says:
Well, work has been good for me
Thister says:
except the fact that I still haven't gotten paid
Thister says:
and I've been working there for a month and a week now
No clever name for now says:
and yopu've been working for how long?
No clever name for now says:
No clever name for now says:
Well, that would irk me.
Thister says:
Thister says:
We've gotten it fixed, hopefully
Thister says:
I better see green in the account tomorrow...
No clever name for now says:
Speaking of green in the account, Damn U.S.Bank.
Thister says:
No clever name for now says:
My account has this thing where they take 25 from my checking on the first of every month, and put in in my savings. "goal-based savings" they call it.
Thister says:
Thister says:
My bank works in the opposite way
Thister says:
they take money from my savings and put it in my checkings whenever they think I'm about to bounce...pisses me off
No clever name for now says:
anyways, when the money isn't in your accout to transfer, they charge you $30. So in a flash you're hit with a -55 dollar balance.
Thister says:
I know it's helpful...but sometimes they screw my budgeting up
Thister says:
Thister says:
Change banks if you can
Thister says:
that's total bullshit
No clever name for now says:
then in the letter that they send you they tell you that after 4 days of a negative balance, they charge 7 dallars daily.
No clever name for now says:
I of course get the letter on day 4.
Thister says:
Thister says:
Shit dude!
No clever name for now says:
yeah, I'm really pissy about my money right now.
No clever name for now says:
because I too have not been paid yet.
Thister says:
Thister says:
That's BS
Thister says:
What's up with not paying the college kids
Thister says:
I mean, c'mon. I NEED the money just like everyone else
Thister says:
how am I supposed to get an education! HUH!/
No clever name for now says:
exactly. plus i get my first check on monday, which is what, 3 days before my first housing payment is due?
Thister says:
Thister says:
No clever name for now says:
god-damn! I have no time to get to a bank, and even if i did, the money won't be there for a day or 2.
Thister says:
Thister says:
This payment deal is fucked up
Thister says:
I think they should make up pay by August 1st that way we have time
Thister says:
I don't know if I'll get paid this week or not
Thister says:
if not...I'm screwed until next week
No clever name for now says:
needless to say, I'm glad my parents have my back on this one.
Thister says:
Mine do too...but it comes at the cost of nagging
No clever name for now says:
ah those hidden costs.
Thister says:
Thister says:
I'd pay them back in time and what not, but I'd still get that "Well, you should've used the money you had in your savings account for that instead of books...
Thister says:
or something like that
Thister says:
Yeah, I've already bought half of my books
Thister says:
That was from the savings money though
Thister says:
I've been buying them on half.com to save moeny
No clever name for now says:
oh cool, I guess i can go see what books I need to get now.
Thister says:
so far so good
Thister says:
No clever name for now says:
I'll have to try that.
Thister says:
Yeah, I'm saving 25% by using half.com
No clever name for now says:
*sniff sniff* do you smell IRONY?
Thister says:
LOL! Indeed!
Thister says:
It's better than getting jipped by the bookstore though
Thister says:
those bastards!
No clever name for now says:
true. and it's the only way to get a used copy of schoedinger's philosophy book.
No clever name for now says:
bastards can't buy it back.
No clever name for now says:
no used books in stock boosts sales like a mother for schoedinger.
Thister says:
I know!
Thister says:
That shit pisses me off more than anything else
Thister says:
damn bookstore
Thister says:
I want to burn it down...
Thister says:
but I'd get caught, no doubt
Thister says:
those fuckers deserve it though
No clever name for now says:
yes. We'll have to get our happiness from just knowing that they DESERVE it.
Thister says:
XD Well, if Morriss went down that'd work in place of it ...
Thister says:
Maybe I should set him on fire instead?
Thister says:
Thister says:
Just kidding!
No clever name for now says:
ha! nice one.
No clever name for now says:
just imagine hime running through the quad in flames while the student body hides all the fire exstinguishers.
Thister says:
Thister says:
That'd be nice
Thister says:
We'd have to burn Pam too
No clever name for now says:
No clever name for now says:
didn't she resign?
Thister says:
I don't have any qualms, per se, against her policies...except for the fact that they are cracked and whacked, but I'd just let her burn because she's a nasty nappy hoe and she looks like she's got a dildo up her ass.
Did she? I don't know. I didn't think so.
Thister says:
Guess who's not an RA next year?
Thister says:
Thister says:
Ah, so tragicx
Thister says:
I guess her rapid down on the knees action didn't help her when the gpa came through before "the man" did.
No clever name for now says:
I heard! Oh my god, those poor kids will have no idea!
Thister says:
Too bad.
No clever name for now says:
oh wait, she's NOT an RA?
Thister says:
So tragic that those poor kiddies will not be exposed to the gin' stench and sex stories that are undeniably false...puhleez, like she joined the mile high club! Ha!
No clever name for now says:
well, maybe ONE of her did.
Thister says:
Thister says:
Thister says:
With her hand, maybe
No clever name for now says:
maybe she's really 5 seperate and independently sentient beings that morph togethr to make the form that we see her in. At night they break off and roam the world as petite and attractive girls, but then reform to gain their energy back.
No clever name for now says:
That would explain SOME stories.
Thister says:
XD Dude, that almost sounds...rational o_O Woha! I'll have to tell her that if I see her next year!!! HAHAHAHAHAH LMAO!
No clever name for now says:
have a flamethrower ready. That's the only thing that can stop angry shapeshifters.
No clever name for now says:
dude, we have to blog that.
Thister says:
Thister says:
Thister says:
Copy and past
Thister says:
No clever name for now says:
I'm writn right now, I'll just put it in.
Thister says:
Thister says:
Thister says:
Just wait until we see her again next year....*shudders* I think I'll have to run for the river and plunge or kill her on the spot. I can't deal with her anymore
Thister says:
get this
Thister says:
she told me she works at a sex shop
No clever name for now says:
No clever name for now says:
dude, what?
Thister says:
Thister says:
She works part-time at a sex shope in Seattle
Thister says:
Right up her alley, apparently
No clever name for now says:
ooooOOOOOhhhh. Seattle!
Thister says:
Anyway, she was telling me the story about this guy that bought lube
No clever name for now says:
nope, still don't believe it.
Thister says:
and asked if she would demonstrate it for him
No clever name for now says:
go on
Thister says:
but she was so embarassed that she declined even though he was "hot"
No clever name for now says:
demonstrate lube? Does the guy need a 101 class?
Thister says:
I was like....RRRRIGHT! You know what Laura, I just had a threesome too! It was amazing! I've never been so exhilarated and exhausted at the same time in all my life.
No clever name for now says:
"in fact I'm having ion right now! and I have to type with my toes cause, dman it's crazy!"
Thister says:
Thister says:
Thister says:
I bet, if she is at the sex shop, she uses the workers discount to get Drew: Dildoman 3000!
Thister says:
That's the real story behind Drew, no doubt.
No clever name for now says:
life size inflatable drew!
Thister says:
Thister says:
Seriously. She has to either have a doll, dildo, hand, or dog or animal because there is no way in hell she's getting hit for real. If she is, then why in the world has hell not come to earth yet??
Thister says:
Or maybe it has....
Thister says:
in the form
Thister says:
Thister says:
Thister says:
We're putting tofu and celery on the door to ward her away!
Thister says:
Thister says:
Apparently she's working with girl scouts at summer camp right now
Thister says:
...those poor poor girls
Thister says:
instead of eating cookies, she's trying to eat them
Thister says:
tragic, really
Thister says:
The future cookie selling whores of America are in great danger and demise because of her...
No clever name for now says:
Thister says:
poor poor girls
Thister says:
They're probably trying to run away right now
Thister says:
but no
No clever name for now says:
Among the people that I wanted to forget about.
Thister says:
She's trapped them in her tent by coercing them to play fuzzy bunny and pin the licorace on the scout.
No clever name for now says:
Seriously, if any of these people spend much time coming by to see you, I'll just knock you out and tell them i killed you, and It's time for them to leave.
No clever name for now says:
Thister says:
Thister says:
It shouldn't come down to that.
Thister says:
Thister says:
I change my AIM screenname for a reason
Thister says:
Who else might we see too
Thister says:
well, there's Heather, but I like her for the most part
Thister says:
and Stephaine from the 6th floor
No clever name for now says:
heather who?
Thister says:
she was hella' kewl
Thister says:
Heather Malec
No clever name for now says:
okay, I don't know these people.
Thister says:
I knew her from Mtn. Home HS
Thister says:
Thister says:
Lacey does
No clever name for now says:
and my blogging is done.
Thister says:
Checking it out XD
Thister says:
God, I have quite the potty mouth tonight
Thister says:
maybe I just needed to vent XD
No clever name for now says:
you've just been building it all up with no release. I understand.
Thister says:
Thister says:
Wait until we see them on campus...
Thister says:
Thister says:
That's all I have to say
Thister says:
Thister says:
you can smell one of them before you see her
Thister says:
Thister says:
Thister says:
Thister says:
Thister says:
she need to DOUCHE
Thister says:
Maybe that's too foreign a concept to her though
Thister says:
kind of like staying on a healthy diet...
Thister says:
Thister says:
I only eat Vegetables because it's healthy
No clever name for now says:
haha, "wait!" *sniff sniff* "Up the treee, quick!"
Thister says:
Right, well, you're also transparent and blubber because you do and don't work out...tsk, tsk. Then again, I don't think it'd be a good thing to see you work out...the gym atmosphere...you...uh...everyone would die, I guarantee it.
Thister says:
There'd be no esacpe.
Thister says:
That's a weapon of mass destruction
No clever name for now says:
turn her on her side and roll her down the sidewalk in the back of the sub? Why yes it is
Thister says:
Thister says:
Oh! How could I forget "Lil'Bitch Camielle" too!
Thister says:
Because, I'm bound to see her and her cunt for a face
Thister says:
Stupid hoe
No clever name for now says:
my god, are all of these people coming back?
Thister says:
Maybe she'll get in another wreck from her drunk driving debacuals this summer and end up handicapped or something
Thister says:
Thister says:
Almost all of them are
Thister says:
It's a scary thing
Thister says:
plus we have to deal with FRESHMAN
Thister says:
Thister says:
I suppose, on some levels, that's a good thing
Thister says:
but on other levels...
No clever name for now says:
yes, fresh fish.
Thister says:
it means HELL
Thister says:
Thister says:
Nice termege there
Thister says:
Thister says:
Yes, I think Asswee would agree with you too!
No clever name for now says:
hahaha"mmMMMmm, seafood!"
Thister says:
Thister says:
I can see her running after them now!
No clever name for now says:
damn visa, they just called for me.
Thister says:
Thister says:
Say what?
No clever name for now says:
Visa just called me trying to "give" me a credit card "we're sending a package to college students.." me: "What's the package?" " It's a visa gold..." "I'm not interested in a credit card" "bradley, you don't have to make a decision right now..." "well, I AM making the decision right now." *click*
Thister says:
Thister says:
Damn telemarketing scum bags!
Thister says:
Burn them toO! O_o
Thister says:
Thister says:
Thister says:
Seriously though
Thister says:
Who needs a credit card right now at this age?
Thister says:
Unless you're a whorish heiress to the hilton hotels...you really can't afford to mess with the credit.
No clever name for now says:
haha, I kinda feel sorry for them because now I know what cold-approach sales is like.... but goddamn, I get a call for some credit card offer every WEEK.
Thister says:
Thister says:
I'm glad I don't have to deal with that
Thister says:
No clever name for now says:
nice stab at hilton though.
Thister says:
Chace would disagree
No clever name for now says:
but then again, her being a "nice stab" is what her reputation is based on.
Just a quick post to let all that I haven't contacted by phone know that I am alive after my trip to Prague. We didn't go to Italy, but that's part of the story I'll have up tomorrow with pictures. Kewl? So check back tomorrow afternoon (German time and American time) and then you can see the "long awaited" pictures of me in Prague.
By the way, my hair, I think, doesn't look much different in these pictures, but it's longer than it's been since 7th grade. :P
Lacey, should I send one to Marty? LOL! ;)
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