When friends of our family left on emergency leave to visit their family in the states, they dropped off their dog for us to dog-sit. He's a peekapoo named Rez, and he's been good for the most part. Though, he often thinks he needs to go out on hourly intervals.

However, his presence in our house has caused our dogs to get in a bit of a ruckus with him. Lewis, who apparently thinks he's an alpha-male dog, now feels that he has to be the first to get everything. He also sometimes tries to eat from Rez's bowl. Brandi, our other dog, will bark at Rez every now and then when she sees him running around the house. Though, I think this is mainly because she's much older and prissy about other dogs. She was bitchy when we first got Lewis, but she eventually learned to deal with it.

Although he's been shocked and a little hyperactive about the whole experience, I think the dogs are finally beginning to relax a little more around him. That is to say, he's still alive.
And yeah, still working on speeches. Woo!
i love him, he is so cute..... despite the ruckus with the other dogs... what a sweetie....
Wow! I take a mini-break from blogging and get comments!
Hey debbie,
I found Misty's blog through the 50 State Blogs Project that I was chosen to be part of representing Idaho. However, I declined the offer due to personal reasons. I love Idaho and I could write about it easily, but I'm afraid if my blog amassed too much publicity certain things I've typed up in the past (if found) would anger a lot of people. Alas, I should listen to the Dooce commandments of blogging. (That is: Never type something that you wouldn't say to someones face UNLESS you're blogging privately, even then, be careful!)
I'll keep checking back on your blog. Keep breathing the break out. ;)
Thanks for the update. I'm surprised, actullay. I saw the Xanga, but there wasn't a post. What's up with that?? And WHERE is my e-mail? Huh? LOL! Ah well, all is good.
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