In case you can't read it, the shirt says: "Practice Celibacy. No Bush. No Dick."

Yeah, we're cracked out!

We look decent...sort of. XD

Fukume. I'm lonely!

Lacey did an awesome job, huh? It's crazy kewl!

Look at my wiiings!!

Woo! A great picture of me. Hahah...right.

At least I'm not the only one who's cracked out! ;)

Gazing off into the uncertain future...of doom!
There are some more pictures, but I'm not posting all of them. The important point here is that you Practice Celibacy and accept NO BUSH or DICK this year! It's not acceptable! ;)
Lacey will have some of the other pictures on her blog! w00t!
Also, read her "Power Politics Theory" post. It's insightful and interesting. I agree with her on that point. ;)
P.S. Doesn't my new profile pic. rock?! I like it. Screw you ASSWEE, I like my long hair, bitch!
Well, you are. LOL!
Doesn't my hair look kewl?! I love it like that. I wish I could get it to do that everyday. *sigh* To no avail though XD
Well, you don't have to worry about that... I'm just a narcissist when it comes to my hair. And, you have to admit that it does look pretty damn kewl! Veneliza loves it and almost everyone that's seen it like that, except for ASSWEE and Lindz (friends here), have said that it looked really kewl.
Maybe I should learn how to do that to my hair? LOL! Then I'd really be metro. *sigh*
Dude, I am totally NOT buying you a curling iron for christmas.
I have to draw the line somewhere. Consider it drawn. LOL!
Besides, think of all the curling-iron burns you'll be avoiding? Those things hurt like a mother, and always look like hickies. XD
When did I say I wanted one? XD I just wish my hair would do that naturally. I think that'd be awesome! I must speak to Kari and figure out how to get my hair to do kewl things...
I need my car! XD
Hey wayne
It is Steph
I forgot my password on this thingie. I like your hair long like on your profile pic. It is alot different then the gell look you did in high school.
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