Earlier this week on Monday, I found out why I hadn't received my first paycheck or any of my money yet. Turns out that while we faxed my paperwork to the main campus, we forgot to send it. One of those "Murphy Moments," I guess.
Anyway, now that the paperwork has been sent, it should either be a week, hopefully, or three more weeks until I actually get paid. The latter of the two really doesn't sound to appealing to me, especially since I want to start buying some of my books for fall now. As I already mentioned, I'm taking five classes next semester with a 17 credit courseload:
- Anthropology 102 -- 5 books :: Bookstore total= $150; Half.com total= $108
- Communications 114 (Speech) -- Already have the books
- Communications 214 (Debate) -- Already have the books
- Comp. Science 125 -- 1 books :: Bookstore total= N/A; Half.com total= N/A
- Energy for Society (ENGR 100) -- 2 books :: Bookstore total= N/A (but the books are the professors, so I'll probably only be able to get them there.
- Japanese 201 -- Book Bundle :: From what I can tell, I already have this bundle from 101-102. A great investment ;)
Given the fact that I don't know the total amount for two of the classes I don't have books for, I can't completely estimate how much I'm going to end up paying for books this semester. I'm guessing it's going to be around $250 to $300. Hopefully, though,
half.com will help me save a good amount of money. However, half.com is going to be integrating into ebay soon, which means I'll probably have to bid for used books in the future. Personally, I think bidding on textbooks is a stupid idea, but I'm not the one who organized it to be that way.
Anyway, taking into account the total amount of money I'll end up making by the time I leave: Roughly $1000-1200.
Subtract $200 for my MP3 player and Caryn's birthday gift;
Subtract, for simplicity's sake, $250 for books...
and that's half my summer job money right there.
Thankfully, though, I have a nice extra $250/semester to spend on books and such thanks to one of my scholarships that went directly to my account. Those ones happen to be my favorite. So, that taken into account means that I really only have to pay for the MP3 player and gift and keep 3/4 of my money for various other things I need, more so than want.

But on that note, I've been bidding on eBay for a simple art print by the amazing
Hanz Tseng. What originally started off as a $20 print has now turned into a $35 print with me in the lead. But, I'm sure that someone will try and knock it up to $40 soon enough. Hopefully not, though. While it is just an art print of a character from Hanz's online manga, I think it's a worthwhile cause since it helps him get to Otakon and, hopefully for his sake, on the way to making manga comicbooks. Plus, if I win the auction I get another sketch of any DoD character of my choosing. Sounds kewl to me. ;)
(This is on the want list, and while it appears it has taken some precedent over my books, I assure you it hasn't...heh, heh.)
Budget, Books, Bidding... ah yes, Goodbyes.
I just wanted to note that Veneliza is flying back to Massachusetts on Sunday to take Calculus this summer. It kind of sucks because we didn't really get to hang out too much this summer; in part because of Sean, Victor, Tom Z. and others, and because of my own partaking (and the fact that I don't have a car I can drive here). I just wanted to let her know that, since I know she reads this, I didn't miss Friday on purpose, at least, not the pool. We ended up going to the passport office at 1:30 and didn't leave until about 2:20ish. When I finally got home I just decided that I didn't want to go to the LAN party because I didn't want to hang out with anyone there, except Veneliza and Jeff. Needless to say, I didn't go and I didn't get a call or any word about it, thankfully for the better. I just hope that Veneliza isn't upset by my numerous actions this last week (i.e.
SM deletion). If she is, well, I'm sorry, but I did what I felt needed to be done and I hope it doesn't cause too many problems. In other words, if you are reading this Veneliza, let me know what's up. ;) Have a safe flight back! And yes, we'll hang out sometime again, after all, I've never been to an all girls college before. Mmmm, sounds like fun to me!