Ellen cracks me up. Especially after 5:10 in this clip. Check it out!
Ellen cracks me up. Especially after 5:10 in this clip. Check it out!
The Simpsons is finally coming out with a movie. After 18 years as a staple on Fox, it's finally going to the next level. Sounds like it will be interesting.
I have the worst cramp/strain in my upper leg. This is what I get for trying to be healthy! Jeez! I knew I should've sat on the couch and ate chips like a raging fatass, but no! No! I decided to go swimming.
Ok. It's not that bad, but I think I pushed myself a bit too much while at the pool. Hopefully it feels better soon. I feel like I'm walking with an added weight on my leg, or kind of like a gimp. Don't laugh, it's not funny!
Recently I was checking out the headlines and I stumbled upon this picture of our current president. I find it fascinating how much the gravity of the position of president takes its toll on the individual who assumes the role. As a history enthusiast, I have examined photos of previous presidents pre- and post-presidency. Whether it is one term or two, the president always looks worn and somewhat broken.
I think our current president is no exception. When I saw this photo I instantly thought, You look worn. Regardless of my feelings towards the president, I can't imagine how one handles the gravity of the position. To know what he knows and to deal with the weight of one wrong decision or another...it's got to tear you down.
I know it's random, but it's intriguing to me how people change immensely when in the White House. It goes to show you that regardless of who it is, the postion will take its toll. It also speaks of history. History is a great teacher. She teaches us that no one escapes the test of time, that each of us is a story that leads to another. Our current president is no exception to that, not in appearance and certainly not in action. Still, I wonder what story will be told of him when he hits the history books. What story will future generations see and know that others experienced and lived through otherwise? Only time will tell.
Until the last speech and debate tournament of my college experience. National Tournament or Bust.
P.S. Screw Singles Awareness Day!
Lately I've been making a few minor changes in my life. Nothing is wrong, though. Instead, as I progress through each day, I am starting to realize, more and more, that I'm growing up.2 Some notable examples include:
Anna Nicole Smith has gotten just as much press coverage as former President Gerald Ford. American journalism at its finest. This is why I check out Al Jazeera and online sources.
I've been feverishly working on countless applications over the past few weeks. It's fascinating how quickly my life changed once this semester started. Where break was relaxing and noncommittal, school has been intense, demanding, and itinerant. It's been difficult, but fun and worthwhile.
As of late I've found myself looking back over the last couple of years. Indeed, some of my applications and school assignments have required thoughtful and deep reflection of previous experiences. I suppose reaching senior year requires some reflection. After all, I wouldn't be the person I am today nor would I be here now if it wasn't for the composite of experiences that summoned me to this point. In addition to my previous post, I've been thinking about how each experience at college has allowed me to grow. Looking back over the last few years, I've certainly had my ups and downs. Some semesters were good; others, not so much. All in all, college has been quite an emotional, mental, and physical rollercoaster, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
In addition to looking back I've been forced to look ahead. All those applications hold potential, but they also have quick deadlines that call for immediate action!1 I recently finished my application for a summer internship. It is an extensive program that offers multiple venues in various states, thus the appeal. I'm not sure what I'll end up doing based on the venues I chose, but I hope it is one of the historic, communication, or interpretive internships. The others I listed are mainly there as backup options that I wouldn't mind doing, but would prefer to do only if nothing else is available.2
I've also been working on my graduate assistantship application. Going through the motions, I've set up meetings with the proper people (the GA coordinator, the department head of graduate admissions, etc.) and requested numerous recommendation letters. With a little luck, all will go well for this application. It's a bit of a shot in the dark since there are only 5 GA positions, but I know that I have the potential to get one. Plus, it'd be nice to actually apply the lessons I have known for years to something I'm certain I want to do until retirement.3
In the meantime, I'm going to keep moving. The mountain ahead stands tall, but the journey up doesn't seem so rough. Besides, once I get to the top I'll know where I'm headed on the way down. That illumination is what I'm looking forward to this semester, and it's not as far away as it seems.
1: Or maybe I've been slacking?
2: Basically it's either internship or Barnes and Nobles or selling myself on the street!
3: Or until I win the lottery, whichever comes first.
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